What can I use to thicken cream of chicken soup

Thicken Cream of Chicken Soup is a warm and comforting dish, perfect on its own or as a base for casseroles. However, sometimes the consistency of the soup might not be as thick as you would like. A watery soup can be unappealing, and you may want to give it a richer, more satisfying texture.

There are many ways to thicken the cream of chicken soup, using common pantry staples or healthier, natural alternatives. Whether you’re gluten-free, dairy-free, or just looking for a heartier soup, this guide will walk you through various methods to thicken your soup just the way you like it. We’ll explore classic thickening agents, nutrient-packed additions, and more.

We’ll also provide outbound links to helpful resources on Wikipedia, Medium, Quora, and Reddit, along with internal links to related content on Luke Recipes for more inspiration and knowledge.

Basic Methods for Thickening Cream of Chicken Soup

1. Using Cornstarch

Cornstarch is a widely used thickening agent. It’s a gluten-free, flavorless option that works quickly, making it a popular choice for thickening soups and sauces. Cornstarch is derived from the starchy part of the corn kernel and, when added to liquid, it swells, forming a thick, smooth texture.

Cornstarch is effective for thickening all types of liquids, and if you want to learn more about how cornstarch functions in various dishes, this Wikipedia article on cornstarch is a great resource.

How to use cornstarch:

  • In a small bowl, mix equal parts cornstarch and cold water to create a slurry.
  • Gradually stir the slurry into your simmering soup, stirring continuously to avoid clumping. You’ll notice the soup thicken within minutes.

For a perfect texture, use about one tablespoon of cornstarch for each cup of liquid. Cornstarch will give your soup a smooth, silky consistency, ideal for dishes like Cream of Chicken Soup.

2. Adding Flour

Flour is one of the oldest and most common thickening agents in cooking. It adds a more substantial, velvety texture compared to cornstarch, making it perfect for rich, creamy soups. However, flour does require a bit more cooking time to eliminate the raw taste.

How to use flour:

  • You can create a slurry by mixing flour with cold water and then stirring it into the soup.
  • Alternatively, you can make a roux, which involves cooking flour in butter or oil before adding it to the soup. A roux provides a nutty flavor in addition to thickening the soup.

A roux is easy to prepare—just melt butter in a saucepan, whisk in flour, and cook until the mixture forms a smooth paste. This technique is ideal for making your soup luxuriously creamy and smooth, a consistency that would perfectly complement dishes like What Is Cream of Chicken Soup Made Of?.

3. Potato Flakes or Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes are naturally starchy, which makes them a fantastic thickening agent. Instant potato flakes and mashed potatoes can both be used to thicken cream of chicken soup, adding both texture and flavor.

For more on how potatoes can thicken soups, check out this Reddit thread about using potatoes in cooking.

How to use potatoes:

  • If you have instant potato flakes, sprinkle a few spoonfuls into your soup while it simmers. Stir the soup and allow the flakes to dissolve, thickening the liquid.
  • If you have leftover mashed potatoes, simply blend or mash them into the soup. Mashed potatoes add a thicker, chunkier texture, making your soup more filling.

Potatoes are a great option when you want to add a heartier feel to your soup, especially when using them in something like Cream of Chicken Soup.

4. Cream and Dairy Products

Adding cream, sour cream, or even yogurt is one of the simplest ways to thicken your soup. Not only do these dairy products add richness, but they also create a smooth, creamy texture.

How to use dairy:

  • Add heavy cream, sour cream, or plain Greek yogurt toward the end of the cooking process. Stir slowly to incorporate the dairy and avoid curdling.
  • Dairy can also be substituted with lighter options like milk, though the soup won’t thicken as much as it would with cream.

This method works particularly well for creating a rich, comforting soup, like What Is Cream of Chicken Soup Made Of?.

Natural and Healthier Alternatives

5. Using Vegetables as a Thickener

If you’re seeking a natural, healthier way to thicken your soup, pureed vegetables are a fantastic option. Vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, and zucchini blend seamlessly into the soup, adding not only thickness but also a boost of nutrition.

How to use vegetables:

  • Cook vegetables until they are soft and then puree them using a blender or an immersion blender. Once pureed, stir the vegetables back into the soup to thicken it.
  • This method allows you to thicken the soup while keeping it low-calorie and nutrient-rich.

Vegetables are a great option for those who want a natural thickener without adding processed ingredients. This method can work wonderfully in soups like Cream of Chicken Soup.

6. Adding Legumes or Beans

Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and white beans are high in fiber and protein, making them an excellent choice for thickening soup. These legumes naturally break down during cooking, thickening the soup while adding nutrition.

For a broader discussion on using beans and lentils in soups, check out this Reddit thread.

How to use legumes:

  • Add the beans or lentils directly to your soup while it’s cooking. Once they’re soft, you can mash or puree them for a thicker consistency.
  • Canned beans can also be used. Just drain, rinse, and blend them before adding them to the soup.

Using legumes is a great way to boost the nutritional value of your cream of chicken soup, giving it a richer, heartier texture.

7. Using Nuts or Nut Butters

Nuts and nut butters are another great thickening option, especially for those following a dairy-free or vegan diet. Cashew butter, almond butter, or even blended soaked nuts can add creaminess without needing any dairy products.

To learn more about using nut butters in soups, see this discussion on Reddit.

How to use nuts:

  • Soak nuts like cashews or almonds in water, blend them into a smooth paste, and stir the paste into the soup.
  • Alternatively, you can add a spoonful of nut butter, such as almond or cashew butter, into the soup for a creamy texture.

This method is perfect for those who want to avoid dairy but still enjoy a creamy soup.

Thickening Agents to Avoid or Use with Caution

8. Gelatin or Agar-Agar

Gelatin and agar-agar are used as thickening agents in some dishes, but they can create a jelly-like consistency, which is not ideal for creamy soups. These ingredients are better suited for clear soups or desserts rather than cream-based soups like cream of chicken soup.

When to avoid gelatin:

  • Gelatin and agar-agar are best reserved for dishes like jellies, where a firmer texture is desirable. In creamy soups, they can create an unpleasant, rubbery texture that doesn’t blend well with the richness of the soup.

9. Tapioca Pearls

Tapioca pearls absorb liquid and swell, thickening the soup. However, the pearls create a chewy texture that may not be suitable for creamy soups. They’re better suited for broths or clear soups rather than rich, creamy soups.

When to use tapioca:

  • While tapioca can be used sparingly to thicken some soups, its texture may not be suitable for a dish like cream of chicken soup.

Other Tips for Thickening Cream of Chicken Soup

10. Reducing the Liquid

One of the simplest and most natural ways to thicken your soup is to simmer it until some of the liquid evaporates. Reducing the liquid will naturally thicken the soup while also intensifying its flavors.

How to reduce:

  • Simmer the soup uncovered over low heat, stirring occasionally. As the water evaporates, the soup will thicken, giving it a richer, more concentrated flavor.

This method works particularly well when you don’t want to add extra ingredients to the soup. It’s a great option for those who want to maintain the original flavor profile while still achieving a thicker consistency.

11. Adding Grated Cheese

Grated cheese, particularly hard cheeses like parmesan or cheddar, can thicken cream of chicken soup while also enhancing its flavor. Cheese melts into the soup, creating a creamy, smooth texture.

How to use cheese:

  • Slowly stir grated cheese into the soup while it’s still hot. Continue stirring until the cheese has melted completely and thickened the soup.

This method not only thickens the soup but also adds a rich, savory flavor.

Special Considerations for Dietary Restrictions

12. Gluten-Free Options for Thickening

If you follow a gluten-free diet, there are plenty of gluten-free alternatives that can thicken your soup just as effectively as flour. Cornstarch, arrowroot, and rice flour are all gluten-free options that will give your soup a smooth, thick texture.

For more gluten-free thickening options, this Wikipedia article on gluten-free cooking provides an excellent resource.

Gluten-free alternatives:

  • Cornstarch and arrowroot powder are the most common gluten-free thickening agents. Both work well in cream-based soups, providing thickness without altering the flavor.
  • Rice flour is another good option. It behaves similarly to wheat flour and will give your soup a smooth, creamy texture.

These gluten-free alternatives are perfect for those who want to avoid gluten while still enjoying thick, hearty soups.

13. Dairy-Free or Vegan Alternatives

If you are avoiding dairy, you can still achieve a rich, creamy soup using non-dairy alternatives. Ingredients like coconut milk, almond milk, or cashew cream can be used to thicken your soup while keeping it dairy-free.

Dairy-free options:

  • Coconut milk is a popular choice for those looking to avoid dairy. It provides creaminess without altering the soup’s flavor significantly.
  • Cashew cream, made by soaking and blending cashews, is another excellent option for adding thickness while maintaining a smooth, rich texture.

These alternatives are perfect for those following a dairy-free or vegan diet but still want to enjoy a creamy soup.


Thickening cream of chicken soup is simple, and there are many methods to choose from depending on your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether you’re using classic methods like flour and cornstarch or experimenting with healthier options like pureed vegetables and legumes, there’s a solution for everyone.

With these methods, you can transform your cream of chicken soup into a hearty, satisfying meal that’s perfect for any occasion. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your thickening agents, and enjoy the process of making the soup just the way you like it.


1. Can I use egg yolk to thicken cream of chicken soup?

Yes, egg yolks can be used to thicken soup. To avoid curdling, whisk a little bit of hot soup into the yolks before adding them back into the pot.

2. Is it possible to thicken cream of chicken soup without adding calories?

Yes, using pureed vegetables or reducing the liquid are great calorie-free ways to thicken your soup.

3. Can I thicken the soup with pasta or rice?

Yes, adding cooked pasta or rice to your soup will absorb liquid and help thicken it.

4. How can I fix an over-thickened soup?

If your soup becomes too thick, simply add more broth, cream, or water to thin it out to your desired consistency.

5. Does the type of chicken I use affect how thick the soup will be?

Yes, using bone-in chicken or adding shredded chicken can make your soup thicker, as the collagen from the bones adds richness and thickness.

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