Frozen Garlic Bread in Air Fryer – Crispy in Minutes

Frozen garlic bread is a popular side dish because it’s quick, convenient, and delicious. You can pair it with almost any meal, from soups to pasta or even as a standalone snack. While baking frozen garlic bread in the oven is standard, using an air fryer gives superior results. The air fryer speeds up cooking time and delivers crispy, evenly toasted bread with a soft interior. In this guide, you’ll learn exactly how to use frozen garlic bread in an air fryer and achieve the best possible results every time.

If you’re curious about how air fryers work and their general benefits, you can explore more about them on Wikipedia’s air fryer page.

Why Use an Air Fryer for Frozen Garlic Bread?

There are several reasons why using an air fryer for frozen garlic bread is better than using an oven. First, the air fryer cooks food more quickly due to its rapid air circulation. This process ensures that the bread gets crispy on the outside while staying soft and flavorful on the inside.

Another advantage is that the air fryer heats up almost immediately, unlike an oven which requires several minutes to preheat. You save time both in preheating and cooking, making the air fryer a more efficient option. Additionally, because of its compact size, the air fryer uses less energy than a conventional oven, making it an eco-friendly choice as well.

Benefits of Using an Air Fryer for Frozen Garlic Bread

  • Quick cooking time: The air fryer’s fast heat circulation reduces the time it takes to cook frozen garlic bread.
  • Even toasting: The air fryer ensures all sides of the bread cook evenly, which is hard to achieve in an oven.
  • Crispy texture: The rapid air circulation creates a perfect crispy texture, unlike some ovens that leave bread soft or unevenly toasted.
  • No long preheating: Unlike the oven, the air fryer doesn’t need to preheat for 10 minutes—it’s ready almost instantly.

For a deeper dive into air frying technology, you can explore this Medium article on why air fryers have become so popular in modern kitchens.

Step-by-Step Instructions: How to Cook Frozen Garlic Bread in an Air Fryer

Cooking frozen garlic bread in an air fryer is a straightforward process. It doesn’t require advanced skills or special techniques. Below is a simple step-by-step guide to get you started.

1. Preheat the Air Fryer (Optional)

First, preheat your air fryer. While not all models require preheating, doing so can help ensure even cooking. Preheat it to 350°F (175°C) for about 2-3 minutes. Preheating helps the garlic bread start cooking immediately when it’s placed inside, giving you more consistent results.

2. Place the Frozen Garlic Bread in the Basket

Once the air fryer is preheated, arrange your frozen garlic bread slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid stacking or overcrowding the slices. When the bread slices are placed too close together, the air won’t circulate as efficiently, leading to uneven cooking.

3. Set the Temperature and Time

Set the air fryer temperature to 350°F (175°C). Cook for 5-7 minutes. The exact cooking time depends on the thickness of your bread. Thinner slices may be ready at the 5-minute mark, while thicker slices will need closer to 7 minutes. For the best results, flip the bread halfway through cooking to ensure both sides are evenly toasted.

4. Check for Doneness

After 5-7 minutes, check the garlic bread. It should have a golden brown, crispy exterior with a soft, buttery interior. If the bread isn’t quite ready, cook it for an additional minute or two, but be careful not to burn the garlic or over-toast the bread.

Tips for Perfect Frozen Garlic Bread in an Air Fryer

Even though air fryers are simple to use, a few helpful tips can elevate your garlic bread game.

1. Avoid Overcrowding the Basket

Overcrowding the air fryer basket can lead to uneven cooking. If the bread slices are stacked or packed too closely, the hot air won’t circulate properly. Instead, place the slices in a single layer with a bit of space between them. If you need to cook more slices, do it in batches.

2. Flip for Even Crisping

To achieve an even, golden-brown crust on both sides of your garlic bread, make sure to flip the slices halfway through cooking. This step ensures that all sides of the bread are exposed to the hot air, resulting in a more consistent texture.

3. Adjust Cooking Time Based on Thickness

The cooking time will vary depending on how thick your frozen garlic bread slices are. Thinner slices cook faster, usually in about 5 minutes. Thicker slices, on the other hand, will need closer to 7-8 minutes to cook through properly. It’s always a good idea to check on the bread after 5 minutes and adjust the time if necessary.

For more discussion and user experiences, you can explore this Reddit thread on cooking garlic bread to see how others use their air fryers for this tasty dish.

Can You Add Cheese or Toppings to Frozen Garlic Bread in the Air Fryer?

Yes, you can easily add cheese or other toppings to your frozen garlic bread when cooking it in the air fryer. Adding toppings is a great way to customize the flavor and texture of your garlic bread, and the air fryer is versatile enough to handle it.

1. Adding Cheese

Cheesy garlic bread is a favorite for many, and it’s easy to make in the air fryer. About halfway through the cooking time, sprinkle your desired cheese—such as mozzarella, cheddar, or Parmesan—onto the bread. Then, continue cooking for the remaining time. If you want an extra crispy cheese topping, switch to broil mode during the last minute.

2. Adding Herbs or Spices

You can enhance your garlic bread with fresh herbs and spices. Try adding parsley, oregano, or basil on top of the bread just before cooking, or sprinkle some red pepper flakes if you like a bit of heat. Adding herbs early allows them to infuse into the butter as the bread toasts, giving it more flavor depth.

3. Using the Broil Function for a Crispy Finish

Some air fryers come with a broil setting, which is perfect for getting that final crispy cheese layer on top of your garlic bread. Switch to broil mode during the last 1-2 minutes of cooking to achieve a bubbly, golden-brown finish. Keep an eye on the bread to avoid burning the cheese.

Baking Times for Different Types of Frozen Garlic Bread

Not all frozen garlic bread cooks at the same rate. Different types of bread may require adjustments to the cooking time, depending on thickness and texture. Here’s a quick guide to help you adjust based on the type of bread.

1. Thin Slices of Frozen Garlic Bread

Thin slices of garlic bread cook quickly. At 350°F (175°C), they typically take about 5 minutes to get golden brown and crispy. Be sure to check them frequently after the 4-minute mark to avoid overcooking.

2. Thick Slices of Frozen Garlic Bread

Thicker slices will need a longer cooking time. For thick, hearty slices, expect them to take 6-8 minutes at 350°F. These thicker slices need more time to heat through while still getting crispy on the outside.

3. Pre-Sliced Garlic Bread

Pre-sliced frozen garlic bread usually cooks faster because the slices are smaller and thinner. At 350°F, it should take 5-6 minutes to cook. Always flip the bread halfway through to ensure even browning on both sides.

If you’re looking for gluten-free garlic bread options, check out this gluten-free garlic bread recipe from Luke Recipes.

Storing and Reheating Leftover Garlic Bread

Leftover garlic bread can be just as delicious the next day, especially when reheated in the air fryer. Here’s how to store and reheat it to keep that perfect texture.

1. How to Store Leftovers

To store leftover garlic bread, wrap the slices in foil or place them in an airtight container. Store the bread in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Properly wrapping the bread prevents it from drying out.

2. Reheating Garlic Bread in the Air Fryer

When you’re ready to reheat, preheat your air fryer to 325°F (160°C). Place the garlic bread in the basket and cook for 2-3 minutes until it’s warmed through. The air fryer helps restore the bread’s crispness without making it soggy, which often happens when reheating in a microwave.

For more delicious ideas, you can explore recipes like this easy cheesy broccoli casserole that pairs perfectly with garlic bread.


Using an air fryer for frozen garlic bread is fast, easy, and delivers incredible results. Whether you’re cooking thin slices, thick slices, or pre-sliced bread, the air fryer makes it easy to achieve perfectly crispy bread with a soft, buttery interior. By following these steps and tips, you can save time and energy while enjoying restaurant-quality garlic bread at home. So, next time you’re craving garlic bread, reach for your air fryer instead of the oven—you’ll love the results!

For more recipe inspiration, including pairing ideas, check out this delicious garlic cheese bread recipe that’s perfect for any meal.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can You Cook Frozen Garlic Bread Without Preheating the Air Fryer?

Yes, you can cook frozen garlic bread without preheating the air fryer. However, preheating helps achieve more consistent cooking and better crispiness. If you’re in a hurry, you can skip this step but may need to add an extra minute to the cooking time.

2. What’s the Best Temperature for Frozen Garlic Bread in the Air Fryer?

The best temperature for cooking frozen garlic bread in the air fryer is 350°F (175°C). This allows the bread to crisp up without burning and ensures that the garlic butter melts evenly into the bread. If you prefer a crispier texture, you can increase the temperature to 375°F, but be sure to watch closely to avoid burning.

3. How Do You Prevent Garlic Bread from Burning in the Air Fryer?

To avoid burning garlic bread, keep the temperature moderate at 350°F and check the bread around the 5-minute mark. Flip the slices halfway through cooking for even browning. If adding cheese or other toppings, do so during the last couple of minutes to avoid overcooking the cheese.

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